About Riot Not Quiet


This website was originally created in 2018 as a Masters Thesis project, focused on the lack of Women in Technology.  Click here to read more about the Academic research.

I am dusting the website off in 2023 and expanding it include discussions about women in technology, community and arts. I am constantly inspired by other women and human beings and want to share these stories of inspiration with the world.

The website also serves as a place for me to share my writing and my journey as a women in technology, art and in my community.  My writing has always helped me to navigate my way through life, keeping my focused and grounded.  Life got busy, crazy and a little weird the past few years… but it is time to get back at it.


What is Riot Not Quiet?

The name Riot Not Quiet is inspired by the Riot Grrrl underground feminist movement of the 90’s. Riots Girrls artists and bands such as Kathleen Hannah, Sleater Kinney, Bratmobile and Heavens to Betsy etc. introduced me to the impact that grassroots movements can have on destroying sexism, homophobia, racism etc. As a young adult the movement’s music, art and writing helped me to shape my beliefs.  It gave me the confidence to stand for what I believe in, despite being raised to believe that girls should be seen… and never heard. 

The mission of Riot Not Quiet is to:

    1. Shout.  To introduce young women to role models that will inspire the next generation of technology riot girls… And do it loudy, proudly and without apologies!
    2. Support.  To facilitate honest dialogue about both the challenges, barriers and opportunities for women in technology, art and as leaders in our communities.
    3. Destroy.   Breakdown the ideas of traditional gender roles. Everyone should be free to be who they are, regardless of society’s gender labels and pressures. Let’s destroy these suppressive ideals
    4. Unite.  To promote inclusivity of all individuals, groups and identities. We are all equal and should be treated equality.  Every individual, group and/or culture has something to offer our society.  We need to embrace our differences.

I want this to be forum for women to be ourselves, support each other and promote the ideals that will make the world a better place.  Let’s do this!