Let’s Make Fireworks! Defining and Celebrating Success.

Earlier this week, I solicited participation from my friends for this week’s discussion. I was surprised at the response from two people to whom I am very close to. Both did not feel qualified to answer the question because they did not consider themselves successful. This blows my mind because I see so much success in both of them. Both are incredible artists, one excelling in graphic design and mixed media art, the other in video production/photography and marketing. I couldn’t help but think about the various projects that I have seen them complete over the years. One person is even self-employed, which is a significant achievement in and of itself. The other learned new skillsets to stay relevant in a difficult industry. I can’t get my head around the fact that they don’t see the success in their lives and in themselves.

The Heart and the Brain – Credit: TheAwkwardYeti.com

Apparently, this is common, particularly for women. Did you know women tend to underestimate their professional capabilities? Did you also know that women criticize themselves at least eight times a day?  And one study reported that 42 percent of women participants admitted to never complimenting themselves!  How can we feel successful and be successful, if we are not fans of ourselves?

And then there are society’s projections of success for both men and women. Through the viewpoint of the media (especially motion pictures) successes must be big… HUGE… monumental. You have not found success unless you become a billionaire CEO overnight, throw a dramatic game-winning pass or save the world from extinction! *Insert fireworks here* But, authentic success is much more subtle and subdued. It could be completing a project, passing a test, trying something new or just surviving a hectic week. But it is important to acknowledge these achievements. And, if you don’t stop and celebrate every now again… you will drive yourself nuts trying to measure up to unrealistic expectations.

So, let’s party! Break out the champagne… wine, chocolate or avocado – whatever symbolizes celebration to you. Personally, I celebrate with ramen noodles and craft beer. It is important to make your own fireworks, give yourself credit and acknowledge your success.


Photo Credit: PX Here (CC Public Domain)